Do you read the labels of all the foods and food products you consume? I do and it's something my husband and I have been doing for years on our exploration of "What the heck should we be eating?" quest. We try to make it simple because in the end that is the way it should be. With a degree in chemistry, if ***I*** can not determine what that chemical is and what the purpose of it is in that food, than I put that item down and choose something else.
So when I started looking into Shakeology, I was like, "What is that? I never heard of that before." But not because it was a chemical but because it was a plant, vegetable or herd I was not familiar with. Being a breastfeeding mother, I am extremely careful with what I put in my body and especially more so because my third child seems to have a food intolerance/sensitivity. Before I purchased Shakeology, I went through all the literature, educational videos, and of course, the ingredient list. And what I found was nothing short of awesome stuff that lined up with what my husband and I were looking for in our food.
Shakeology has over 70+ superfoods. What are superfoods? These are foods that are so good for you they have a great health benefit for you since our current food supply in the US is missing important nutrients as we have depleted the good minerals in our soil on top of the decades of use of chemicals to "enhance" our food. So now we have to look to other sources to help supplement what our food should be giving us but is not. When looking for superfoods, you will here words like anti-oxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogen herbs, prebiotics, probiotics, digestive enzymes and of course, protein, vitamins and minerals.
When your body receives these nutrients, it takes a little time to recognize them, like a week or so and then when it starts processing them, you will feel a shift in your body. It is a shift in your hunger, a shift in your mental clarity, a shift with your energy, and shift in your cravings, away from unhealthy food to more healthier food choices. When you stay consistent In about 4 weeks, most people notice they have lost weight, not because Shakeology is doing any magic, but because your body is receiving proper nutrition, addictions to sugar, carbs, and caffeine have diminished and these items are what can make people hold onto extra weight. You will also notice your stamina has increased. This is how I can keep up with my 3 young children. I don't get that afternoon slump and in fact, I have great energy and mental clarity up until I am ready for bed. After 12 weeks of being on Shakeology, almost everyone I know has lost 10+ pounds and 2 inches off their waist. If you are overweight or obese or morbidly obese, this push is what can help you stick to a program in terms of getting healthy. But it takes consistency. For high risk people, Shakeology has helped reduced risk for diseases like heart disease and type II diabetes as well as low cholesterol on average by 30% and even up to 70%. And one of my favorite aspects that I notice, Shakeology makes my hair and nails grow in a really healthy beautiful fashion.
Today we will look at the familiar, proteins and amino acids, and through the weeks, move to the unfamiliar, adaptogens and digestive enzymes. Proteins and amino acids help build lean muscles, heals wounds, improves skin and hair, supports optimum brain function and mental clarity, improves moods, and reduces cravings. The ingredients in Shakeology that are in the protein and amino acids category are amaranth, Camu-Camu, Goji berry, sacha inchi, sprouted quinoa and whey protein in non-vegan varieties and brown rice and pea protein in the vegan varieties.
To learn more about Goji berries, please check out the Shakeology website: