So I am 10 months into my Shakeology journey and have nothing but wonderful things to say about it. I have lost 50+ lbs since I started in July 2013, I have more energy than most people I know, am excited to be able to be a "WHAM" which is a work hard at home mother, and just have my health back. You don't really notice these things until one day you wake up and say, "Wow. I notice I feel" How does this happen? One word: CONSISTENCY.
Consistency is something I am really good at. One I commit to something, I am ALL IN. Many people say that, but do they mean it? That is where the difference lies. Last July I started drinking Shakeology and we had a 10 day road trip to visit my husband's family, which I stopped taking Shakeology for those 10 days. And I noticed, right away. And I thought I prepared too because I bought at least $50+ worth of protein snacks, bars, and drinks to make up for not having Shakeology. I honestly thought I could just "supplement my supplement." Didn't work. I ended up snacking every two hours on my healthy snacks, like bars or nuts or a protein drink. But I would ask my husband around 11am on the long 1000+ mile drive, "Hey, if you see a Starbucks at the next rest area..." And thankfully I was tracking my calories on MyFitnessPal so I didn't go over bc I was tremendously excited that I had lost over 10+ lbs at that point. To someone who just had a baby 4 months ago, those 10 lbs were a big deal.
Once we got back from vacation and my Shakeology delivery was waiting at the doorstep, I said never again. Not skipping it, not worth it. That is when I made up my mind that I REALLY AM ALL IN. And I have been drinking it everyday ever since. Without fail. (Well, I made Shakeology cookies for my son's birthday party so I ate my Shakeology instead of drinking it that day.) And all I can say is that I get up, have mental clarity, do not feel dependent on coffee to get me going, have tons of energy to be with my family and ENJOY that time and the list goes on and on. I never run out of energy, I run out of time in the day to do everything that I want to do. That is a good problem to have.
My observation though in both my fellow coaches and my challengers is this: when they are inconsistent with Shakeology, things start to fall a part. If they are on a weight loss journey, the scale stops moving. Why? The cravings come back and they make poor food choices. And then when they get back on the band wagon, the needle moves down. If they take a break for a holiday or special occasion like a vacation, they feel sluggish and don't sleep as well. So the special time you set aside for your family, you feel like a deflated balloon. Does that make sense? Not in my book.
If they took a break because of financial reasons, which is the one excuse that most people will say, what I notice is they go out to eat more and when they do that they overeat because have you seen the portion sizes in restaurants these days? They are HUGE. They think they are too busy to make a shake and yet run through the drive thru for the convenience. How again does this make sense? I remember in my family as we weaned our family off of the drive thru how the bill got less and less as I chose not to order anything and drank my Shakeology instead (and of course felt better afterwards...never said that after hitting McD's) and then my husband stopped ordering extra food to just skipping his order too because he started drinking Shakeology. My husband and I just saved $10-12 just by not ordering and yet Shakeology is just $4/per serving.
So when someone asks me, "How can you afford it?" It's simple. I just can't create a meal for $4 that contains the amount of protein, vitamins, nutrients and excellent resources that my body needs. I know. I tried. I failed. I came to the realization that the EASIEST thing for me to do was to just be consistent with drinking Shakeology. Much easier for me to budget Shakeology than those "emergency drive thru runs" or going out to eat and paying for food that was way too plentiful and not as healthy as this.
So what is my advice here? Stay consistent. The simplest meal of the day for me is my healthiest meal of the day. Why would I trade that? I like feeling healthy, happy and whole. I hope you choose to stay consistent too. In the long run, it is easier.
Please stay tuned for the next two months as I explain some of the exotic ingredients in Shakeology and what they do for your body and your health. Some things you will have maybe heard of before like pea protein or chia seeds, but others like maca root or ashawagandha (say what?) are foreign to us. Thanks for reading!
Such a great post Carrie Ann!! I am one of those people who use financial reasons as an excuse, mainly b/c I eat so healthy and kicked my cravings over a year ago. But I never seem to see the scale move down, so I will give it a shot!